Who is working on the project ?

The Surefoot Effect
The Surefoot Effect (Surefoot) is a social enterprise based in Stirling, Scotland, and it’s the coordinator of Breakthrough for Resilience Project. Surefoot equips people with lifelong skills for sustainability. Our approach is values-based and transformational. People are at the heart of what we do. Infrastructure and technology matter, but the whole-hearted commitment of people is the essential ingredient for change.

When people have:
- space to think
- time to explore motives and feelings and
- leadership that inspires action.
…they create their own paths towards positive, long-lasting change.
encourage people to explore their emotions, motivations and behaviours and to
make positive changes around energy and resource use. In turn, they are able to
create and share their own path forward.
Not surprisingly, this simple human ripple effect ensures each wave adds
to the momentum. Each new step forward leads to significant and long-lasting
We work with individuals, community groups, public bodies and corporate organisations. The Surefoot Effect has found that people respond to different approaches in taking up action on Climate Change. Our current programmes include Resilience Workshops, Facilitator Training, Climate Justice, Future Conversations, Climate change awareness and action.
We have
recently completed two Erasmus + projects:
A Tale of Two Futures. The Surefoot Effect along with Dom Spain from
Spain and Ziniu Kodas from Lithuania, this project focussed on communicating
solutions to climate change at the local, European and national levels. The project adapted the Carbon Conversations
programme to the cultural contexts of Spain and Lithuania. Energy saving and
carbon emissions reduction projects around the world were gathered onto an
online open interactive platform. Individuals and organisations were encouraged
to replicate some of the stories available in the platform.
Environmental Learning Illustrated. Along with partners C.E.E.S from Poland,
E.N.T.E.R from Austria and VolTo from Italy, this project focussed on
communicating solutions to escalating carbon emissions through and e-learning
programme and a graphic novel. The
linked with the European Union’s commitment “Healthy and Sustainable Environment
for Present and Future Generations” and an international commitment to
protecting natural habitats and biodiversity, but also tackling other
environmental problems, including the reduction in carbon emissions and the
need to develop comprehensive education programmes. The project commissioned 3 artists to
illustrate the outputs.
Volontariato Torino
Volontariato Torino (Vol.To) is the Volunteer Support Centre of Turin. Vol.To is an umbrella non-profit organization with 160 member organisations and a network of more than 1300 voluntary associations. Vol.To serves as Service Centre for Associations according to the national regulations for volunteering and non-profit sector.

Our vision is a future in which the distinctive
features of volunteering – free and self-giving, reciprocity and trust, passion
and spirit of initiative, responsibility and care for each other – will be a
guide for individual and collective challenges.
Our mission is to qualify and support volunteers in
order to enable them to seize opportunities and take individual paths of
development. For this purpose we develop projects to increase the interest in
voluntary works as well as build tailor-made learning paths on the needs of
Vol.To works to provide free services (such as training, consultancy, planning assistance) to assist the voluntary associations in the Metropolitan City of Turin. Thanks to its key position within the volunteering network in Turin and in Italy, Vol.to aims at generating new opportunities for the territory. Vol.To is also a member of CSVnet, the Italian National Coordination of Service Centres.
Since 2016, Vol.To is also the official Eurodesk
Centre of Turin. Eurodesk is one of the most comprehensive and most accessible
network – which consists of more than 1.100 local points in 36 European
Countries – providing free information for the youth about international
mobility opportunities connected with learning, training, volunteering and
working and also a first source of free counselling and help for the
organisations and the informal groups in order they can approach the European
project planning.
Etairia koinonikispsixiatrikis kai psixikis ygeias, whose translation is the Society of Social Psychiatry and Mental Health, is a non-profit non-governmental scientific organization which was founded in 1981 and provides high quality psychiatric and psychological support services, in order to ensure the population’s mental health and well-being. The organization has 232 people staff (2017).

- Mobile Mental Health Units for the provision of prevention, diagnostic procedures, therapy and community sensitization services within the local community in Fokida and Thraki.
- 6 hostels and 22 protected apartments in Athens, Amfisssa, Alexandroupolis and Lamia for the de-institutionalisation of individuals with severe psychosocial problems, their care outside the large psychiatric hospitals and their social integration.
- Day Centre for the Psychological Support of individuals with Cancer in Attica.
- Day Centre for the follow-up in the care of people with psychiatric disorders who live in the community in Attica. The first phase of the Centre’s operation was funded by the European Social Fund.
- Operation of a similar Day Centre for children, adolescents and adults with psychiatric disorders who live in the community at the Prefecture of Fokida.
- Community Sensitisation Activities in order to raise the public’s awareness and knowledge regarding mental illness and change their attitude towards mental health problems. Community Sensitisation is both a priority and a key aspect of the Society’s operation.
- Educational Programmes for Mental Health Professionals with the aim of creating highly specialized professionals who will contribute in the creation and development of a new model of mental health services provision.
- Rehabilitation programmes for people with mental health problems, which include the creation of pre-vocational and vocational training and rehabilitation centres, the establishment of social cooperatives-social firms and the placement of people with psychosocial problems in the free labour market.
- Cooperation with Limited Liability Social Cooperatives (KOISPE in Greek).
- Organization of Conferences with the aim of promoting the Psychiatric Reform
- Networking and international collaborations :
- The EKP&PSY exchanges its experience and knowledge which have been acquired through the provision of mental health services, with other partners in Greece and abroad, in order to encourage and positively affect Greece’s ongoing Psychiatric Reform.
- The EKP&PSY has undertaken a series of European Programmes such as Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig, ERASMUS+, Daphne, EUROPEaid in order to contribute to the exchange of good practices, the promotion of research and innovation, as well as professional training in the mental health sector.
Mobilizing Expertise (MExpert)
Mobilizing Expertise (MExpert) is a small medium enterprise based in Sweden. MExpert has several training packages which have been created through international projects. These trainings are combining online courses, study visits and pragmatic knowledge. MExpert are creating non-formal, alternative and easy to use educational tools for youth workers, educators, volunteers and staff.

MExpert recognise the value within volunteers in several NGOs and social enterprises. MExpert is taking the volunteers to the next level; to be an expert in the area they are volunteering by involving them in the strategic partnership projects.
MExpert helps people to bring their ideas into the reality through project management tools and process. MExpert promotes entrepreneurial values; “think out of the box”. MExpert helps entrepreneurs to develop their business and how their business can be an added value for society through corporate social responsibility (CSR).
MExpert values knowledge and people who have the knowledge. MExpert believes these; people and knowledge should mobilise and be easy to access. Whatever we do we want it to be; manageable, understandable and most importantly meaningful.
MExpert wants to bring people, places, and projects together to create a sustainable future for a better Sweden, European and world.